So as of Saturday, May 21st, we got a response from a Distributor in Pensacola, Florida and from Oregon. Here are images that we took of the response. (We have removed the Distributors email address and some wording for privacy issues.)
We were also able to obtain an image from the Facebook account of a former employee. Here is a little more proof that employees (not just Distributors) are fed up with Nikken with their poor treatment and standards. (We have omitted the name of the person for privacy purposes.)
We plan to post more as soon as we can get more. We appreciate the hundreds of people from all around the world who are taking a look at our blog. We know that sometimes the truth can be painful but regardless, its still the truth. We hope that more people get to see the truth with their own eyes.
Welcome to the Nikken Truth Blog!
We are hear to answer the questions that you may have to the book that is available on or We know that you may have comments and we want to hear them! As long as there is no inappropriate language, we ask that you share your thoughts and comments with us.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
How much are you over paying for Nikken Products?
So for those out there wondering how much is Nikken padding the prices for its products, here is the answer.
I was able to obtain, from a source, that Nikken sells to its employees and their immediate family members to purchase products for 75% off the wholesale cost. Also, Nikken Speakers like Susan Jeske also benefit from this 75% off saving. This being the real price means that there is a 75% markup just on wholesale alone! My source gave me an invoice of their purchase from Nikken. Of the items that were purchased, was a #1383 shower system, a #1360 water system, and a #19098 gold necklace.
Now the wholesale prices for the #1383 Shower System is $96, #1360 Water System $239 and #19098 Gold Necklace is $110. The real price for the #1383 Shower System is $24, the #1360 Water System is $59.75 and the #19098 gold necklace is only $27.50. But even at this price it is still more than what is costs. Think about where the products are made. If you think the good old U.S.A. or Japan, think again! Look at where your Nikken Gravity #1360 ,beloved Kenko Seat #1409 and Dream/Dream Light Comforters (#1264-#1269) are made. That's right! Thailand and Korea. Not the best places when it comes to employee rights are they? But it lowers the cost so that Nikken can pocket more money.
Now, think about some of the other products that you are over paying for. If you purchased a Power 5 Pro at wholesale for $599 the real price is $149.75! This is a difference of $449.25. And how about a Nikken comforter? The Queen Dream comforter wholesales for $399. The real price? $99.75 which is a difference of 299.25. The differences are the padding to pay yourself, but primarily Nikken Inc. and your uplines. If you like paying more for items, then I guess continue to buy from Nikken.
Also Nikken, let alone any company, would not sell their products for less than cost, so they do make profit even off the real prices. So the next time you buy something, realize how much extra you are over paying for that item and how much you should actually be charged.
Below is a copy of the receipt that show the products purchased and the price that is more to what the product actually costs.
No wonder they were able to pay for their World Headquarters in cash! It was everyone that purchased a product that helped them out! What a profitable scam!
I was able to obtain, from a source, that Nikken sells to its employees and their immediate family members to purchase products for 75% off the wholesale cost. Also, Nikken Speakers like Susan Jeske also benefit from this 75% off saving. This being the real price means that there is a 75% markup just on wholesale alone! My source gave me an invoice of their purchase from Nikken. Of the items that were purchased, was a #1383 shower system, a #1360 water system, and a #19098 gold necklace.
Now the wholesale prices for the #1383 Shower System is $96, #1360 Water System $239 and #19098 Gold Necklace is $110. The real price for the #1383 Shower System is $24, the #1360 Water System is $59.75 and the #19098 gold necklace is only $27.50. But even at this price it is still more than what is costs. Think about where the products are made. If you think the good old U.S.A. or Japan, think again! Look at where your Nikken Gravity #1360 ,beloved Kenko Seat #1409 and Dream/Dream Light Comforters (#1264-#1269) are made. That's right! Thailand and Korea. Not the best places when it comes to employee rights are they? But it lowers the cost so that Nikken can pocket more money.
Now, think about some of the other products that you are over paying for. If you purchased a Power 5 Pro at wholesale for $599 the real price is $149.75! This is a difference of $449.25. And how about a Nikken comforter? The Queen Dream comforter wholesales for $399. The real price? $99.75 which is a difference of 299.25. The differences are the padding to pay yourself, but primarily Nikken Inc. and your uplines. If you like paying more for items, then I guess continue to buy from Nikken.
Also Nikken, let alone any company, would not sell their products for less than cost, so they do make profit even off the real prices. So the next time you buy something, realize how much extra you are over paying for that item and how much you should actually be charged.
Below is a copy of the receipt that show the products purchased and the price that is more to what the product actually costs.
No wonder they were able to pay for their World Headquarters in cash! It was everyone that purchased a product that helped them out! What a profitable scam!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
A Response from an Independent Nikken Consultant Burl
I am happy to say that I received an email from a Nikken Distributor in good old Austin, Texas. Here is the response the Nikken Distributor sent to me in response to my email to him:
"It's too bad you have such a sour attitude! Why don't you do something else besides run down a fantastic company. Don't bother emailing anything like this to me in the future.Why don't you purchase some products and change yuor health and attitude."
Burl's Consulting/Plumbing
We appreciate and commend Burl for sending us back feedback but we want Burl and everyone to know some facts. If Burl read my book, he would have known that I, to this day, use Nikken products. Why he advised me to buy some is either he did not read my book or he is trying to solicit business from me. Nikken a Fantastic company? Well, I believe I am entitled to an opinion or is Burl just trying to silence me? Who knows? But one thing I find fascinating is that no one, especially Nikken, has told me that I am lying. I mean, I have said some things that could be labeled as libel. But no letters, emails, threats, lawsuits, no nothing. How can I run down a company with true statements? How can it be libel when it is true information? I implore anyone to find out that, what I have written, is not true. I have other Nikken Distributors tell me that they know what I am saying is the truth. They are only indicative that what I am saying is the truth. But Nikken needs people like Burl. He may be a nice person but he can easily blind himself to the truth. No one should stop him because he has the right to free will. But that is what my blog is about. The Nikken Truth. I post the source of where I get my information from so, I am not sure what more I can do to show that this is not me making things up but the actual truth. I wish Burl the best in whatever endeavors he decides to pursue but unfortunately, he will realize the truth only when it is too late.
"It's too bad you have such a sour attitude! Why don't you do something else besides run down a fantastic company. Don't bother emailing anything like this to me in the future.Why don't you purchase some products and change yuor health and attitude."
Burl's Consulting/Plumbing
We appreciate and commend Burl for sending us back feedback but we want Burl and everyone to know some facts. If Burl read my book, he would have known that I, to this day, use Nikken products. Why he advised me to buy some is either he did not read my book or he is trying to solicit business from me. Nikken a Fantastic company? Well, I believe I am entitled to an opinion or is Burl just trying to silence me? Who knows? But one thing I find fascinating is that no one, especially Nikken, has told me that I am lying. I mean, I have said some things that could be labeled as libel. But no letters, emails, threats, lawsuits, no nothing. How can I run down a company with true statements? How can it be libel when it is true information? I implore anyone to find out that, what I have written, is not true. I have other Nikken Distributors tell me that they know what I am saying is the truth. They are only indicative that what I am saying is the truth. But Nikken needs people like Burl. He may be a nice person but he can easily blind himself to the truth. No one should stop him because he has the right to free will. But that is what my blog is about. The Nikken Truth. I post the source of where I get my information from so, I am not sure what more I can do to show that this is not me making things up but the actual truth. I wish Burl the best in whatever endeavors he decides to pursue but unfortunately, he will realize the truth only when it is too late.
Nikken Facebook page trying to earn some sympathy!
So I came across the Nikken Facebook fan page and I found this:
Yes a dedicated Royal Diamond Distributor is pleading there support for Nikken. You can read about it here:
Now, I would like to talk about something that my book mentions. In the Nikken Presidents Club section, I talk about a Royal Diamond Distributor in Canada that was reprimanded by Nikken because they were caught buying items to meet qualifications and then ended up returning them after commissions were paid out to them. Well the author of this cry of dedication was the Distributor that was one Nikken had to reprimand. I guess Nikken will make a deal with the devil if it has to, in order to make themselves look good. It is sad but true. Nikken does not care whether the person was deceiving or not. They are going to throw out some propaganda to make Distributors believe otherwise and are doing a good job of fooling so many. But at least the Nikken Truth is here to set the record straight.
Nikken incompetence continues to show. I am not sure if it is Nikken's Marketing Manager or Speaker Coordinator, but an employee commented on comments left by Distributors on the Facebook page. Here is the photo of the 7 comments left:
As you can see the 5th comment down is from Nikken saying:
"Thank you for your faith. Unfortunately, envy breeds viciousness in the hearts of those who are not righteous."
Do the people at Nikken even think about what they are saying prior to saying it? Did they forget that they sued Robert Richards and Robert Proctor (Google "Nikken Robert Proctor" to find out more about who is Robert Proctor)? Did they forget that they are court documents showing that they sued former Nikken Distributors? There heart is green and it is because they are only out for one thing, people's money. Such a sad message from such a corrupt company. Envy and viciousness are embedded within Nikken's morals and if anyone has lost its righteousness, it is Nikken. How dare they accuse anyone else of it.
Yes a dedicated Royal Diamond Distributor is pleading there support for Nikken. You can read about it here:
Now, I would like to talk about something that my book mentions. In the Nikken Presidents Club section, I talk about a Royal Diamond Distributor in Canada that was reprimanded by Nikken because they were caught buying items to meet qualifications and then ended up returning them after commissions were paid out to them. Well the author of this cry of dedication was the Distributor that was one Nikken had to reprimand. I guess Nikken will make a deal with the devil if it has to, in order to make themselves look good. It is sad but true. Nikken does not care whether the person was deceiving or not. They are going to throw out some propaganda to make Distributors believe otherwise and are doing a good job of fooling so many. But at least the Nikken Truth is here to set the record straight.
Nikken incompetence continues to show. I am not sure if it is Nikken's Marketing Manager or Speaker Coordinator, but an employee commented on comments left by Distributors on the Facebook page. Here is the photo of the 7 comments left:
As you can see the 5th comment down is from Nikken saying:
"Thank you for your faith. Unfortunately, envy breeds viciousness in the hearts of those who are not righteous."
Do the people at Nikken even think about what they are saying prior to saying it? Did they forget that they sued Robert Richards and Robert Proctor (Google "Nikken Robert Proctor" to find out more about who is Robert Proctor)? Did they forget that they are court documents showing that they sued former Nikken Distributors? There heart is green and it is because they are only out for one thing, people's money. Such a sad message from such a corrupt company. Envy and viciousness are embedded within Nikken's morals and if anyone has lost its righteousness, it is Nikken. How dare they accuse anyone else of it.
Nikken sued former Nikken President Bob Richards!
After searching, we came across a lawsuit Nikken filed against former President Robert L. Richards. It was a breach of contract lawsuit. Does Nikken have any standards? This President defused a class action Lawsuit against Nikken and in 2007 increased Nikken's Global sales for the first time in 8 years! On top of this, Bob Richards was probably one of the nicest Nikken Presidents of all time. When the Nikken personnel heard of his departure, everyone in Distributor services was disappointed. He was the only one that made an effort to greet and say hello to the Nikken Distributor Services personnel. Well, we are glad that he is with a better company, Xsura. Doug Braun and Kurt Fulle never made any impact like Bob Richards did. I guess when it comes to money, Nikken will sue you if it has too. If I were Doug Braun and Anne Bodak, I might decide to consult a lawyer. According to records obtained, Nikken incorporated has been sued for the following:
10 x Breach of Contract/Warranty
3 x Complaint of Money
1x MISC complaints - other
2 x Injunctive Relief
3 x Product Liability
These lawsuits represent those only filed in Orange County courts. There are definitely more and we will be posting all of Nikken's malfeasance.
Read about Nikken's Lawsuits here:
Just remember...if Nikken can sue a former President of their company... a Nikken Distributor is definitely not out of reach. Especially now with their lawsuit from Imagenetix and the other lawsuit in Minnesota from Reshare Commerce LLC both for Patent Infringements, they may need someone to take the fall with them. Since all Distributors are Independent Consultants from Nikken, Nikken can come after each and every Distributor......all we can say is good luck.
Nikken responds to Imagenetix Lawsuit........
So obviously Nikken was getting bombarded with inquires as to its lawsuit with Imagenetix. Nikken felt obligated to post there lawsuit on the homepage of
Here is a screenshot of the posting:
This is the message written by current President/CEO Kurt H. Fulle:
"Nikken is a pioneer and an industry leader in the wellness movement and has been for over 35 years. The company is committed to scientific research and development and is known for innovative products that combine science, nature, and advanced technology. Around the world, thousands have gained a dramatic improvement in the quality of life through Nikken products and the Nikken business opportunity.
Unfortunately, Nikken must make a response to even frivolous complaints, such as the one Imagenetix recently filed against Nikken. While we are certain that Nikken and its distributors will ultimately prevail in this lawsuit, we are well aware that such a result will take many months. In the interim, therefore, we wish to assure Nikken’s customers and distributors, and other members of the public, that this complaint is completely baseless and will be rigorously contested.
Nikken honors the legitimate patent rights of others and takes great care to make sure that it does not infringe any such patents, as Nikken has its own extensive portfolio of intellectual property of all types. We believe, however, that nothing Nikken or its distributors has done can constitute any infringement of Imagenetix’s asserted claims. Moreover, Nikken believes that the asserted patent may be invalid, and, in fact, claims nothing more than the dubious right to a treatment for osteoarthritis that was already long known to be a treatment for many major forms of arthritis.
We believe, based on the fact that Imagenetix has sued not only Nikken but several of its distributors with questionable claims, that Imagenetix is merely hoping to reap unwarranted rewards from Nikken and the several distributor insurance carriers that are duty bound to cover them.
We intend therefore to steadfastly litigate this frivolous action to its just conclusion and vindicate Nikken’s good name and reputation as well as its distributors’.
Kurt H. Fulle"
Now what did you expect Nikken to say? That the lawsuit was a serious one since they were infringing on a patent? That they do not plan to prevail? That every Distributor needs to worry since it may affect them for selling the same products?
This is not the first time that Nikken has been sued for patent infringement and based on their history, they are not likely to prevail. And where did this happen before? With Amway of course (read my Amway v. Nikken post below) and Nikken ended up paying a settlement before it went to a Jury because Nikken was well aware of the fact that it would have lost.
And what response did Nikken have when Amway sued them? "We believe Amway's action to be an expression of frustration over its inability to compete with us in the marketplace," the statement said. "It's no secret that Amway sales have dropped dramatically in recent years, and the launch of the magnetic product appears to have been underwhelming."
Now with the Imagenetix lawsuit Kurt H. Fulle is claiming, "Unfortunately, Nikken must make a response to even frivolous complaints, such as the one Imagenetix recently filed against Nikken. While we are certain that Nikken and its distributors will ultimately prevail in this lawsuit,...."
Sounds more like they are trying to reassure people that they will be o.k. with nonsense and if history is indicative of what is to come, then Nikken and its Distributors will lose this lawsuit as well. There is even another case against Nikken for Patent infringement. Check out this lawsuit against Nikken: - Not much has happened but it seems that Nikken continues to patent infringe. Does anyone else notice that pattern?
My message to Nikken Distributors is careful, drinking Nikken's kool-aid may land you on the defense list as the lawsuit intends to go after Nikken Distributors who have not been mentioned (Read about it on my Imagenetix v Nikken lawsuit post).
Here is a screenshot of the posting:
This is the message written by current President/CEO Kurt H. Fulle:
"Nikken is a pioneer and an industry leader in the wellness movement and has been for over 35 years. The company is committed to scientific research and development and is known for innovative products that combine science, nature, and advanced technology. Around the world, thousands have gained a dramatic improvement in the quality of life through Nikken products and the Nikken business opportunity.
Unfortunately, Nikken must make a response to even frivolous complaints, such as the one Imagenetix recently filed against Nikken. While we are certain that Nikken and its distributors will ultimately prevail in this lawsuit, we are well aware that such a result will take many months. In the interim, therefore, we wish to assure Nikken’s customers and distributors, and other members of the public, that this complaint is completely baseless and will be rigorously contested.
Nikken honors the legitimate patent rights of others and takes great care to make sure that it does not infringe any such patents, as Nikken has its own extensive portfolio of intellectual property of all types. We believe, however, that nothing Nikken or its distributors has done can constitute any infringement of Imagenetix’s asserted claims. Moreover, Nikken believes that the asserted patent may be invalid, and, in fact, claims nothing more than the dubious right to a treatment for osteoarthritis that was already long known to be a treatment for many major forms of arthritis.
We believe, based on the fact that Imagenetix has sued not only Nikken but several of its distributors with questionable claims, that Imagenetix is merely hoping to reap unwarranted rewards from Nikken and the several distributor insurance carriers that are duty bound to cover them.
We intend therefore to steadfastly litigate this frivolous action to its just conclusion and vindicate Nikken’s good name and reputation as well as its distributors’.
Kurt H. Fulle"
Now what did you expect Nikken to say? That the lawsuit was a serious one since they were infringing on a patent? That they do not plan to prevail? That every Distributor needs to worry since it may affect them for selling the same products?
This is not the first time that Nikken has been sued for patent infringement and based on their history, they are not likely to prevail. And where did this happen before? With Amway of course (read my Amway v. Nikken post below) and Nikken ended up paying a settlement before it went to a Jury because Nikken was well aware of the fact that it would have lost.
And what response did Nikken have when Amway sued them? "We believe Amway's action to be an expression of frustration over its inability to compete with us in the marketplace," the statement said. "It's no secret that Amway sales have dropped dramatically in recent years, and the launch of the magnetic product appears to have been underwhelming."
Now with the Imagenetix lawsuit Kurt H. Fulle is claiming, "Unfortunately, Nikken must make a response to even frivolous complaints, such as the one Imagenetix recently filed against Nikken. While we are certain that Nikken and its distributors will ultimately prevail in this lawsuit,...."
Sounds more like they are trying to reassure people that they will be o.k. with nonsense and if history is indicative of what is to come, then Nikken and its Distributors will lose this lawsuit as well. There is even another case against Nikken for Patent infringement. Check out this lawsuit against Nikken: - Not much has happened but it seems that Nikken continues to patent infringe. Does anyone else notice that pattern?
My message to Nikken Distributors is careful, drinking Nikken's kool-aid may land you on the defense list as the lawsuit intends to go after Nikken Distributors who have not been mentioned (Read about it on my Imagenetix v Nikken lawsuit post).
Friday, May 13, 2011
Nikken Inc. & Nikken President Club Members are being sued for $31,000,000.00!
Read about the lawsuit against:
The Royal Ambassadors "sell and distributes Kenzen Joint, CM Complex Cream and Kenzen Pet Joint, hereinafter "the accused products".
"Because Defendants infringement is willful, Plaintiff further requests under 35 U.S.C. § 284 that the damages be tripled, resulting in a total patent damages estimate of $31,000,000."
From left to right: Dave Johnson and Valerie Johnson, Mac Macdonald and Patricia Terry, Ruth Williams and Dennis Williams.

1. Plaintiff IMAGENETIX, INC is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nevada and has a principal place of business at 10845 Rancho Bernardo Road, Suite 105, San Diego, CA 92127.
2. Defendant NIKKEN INC., is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California and has a principal place of business at 52 Discovery Inrine, CA,92618-3105. NIKKEN INC., manufactures, sells, offers to sell and distributes Kenzen® Joint, CM Complex Cream and Kenzen Pet Joint, hereinafter "the accused products".
3. On information and belief Defendant KURT FULLE is the President and CEO of NIKKEN INC., and is employed at the address of 52 Discovery Irvine, CA, 92618-3105.
Defendant KURT FULLE actively promotes, sells, and markets the accused products for NIKKEN INC.
1. On information and belief, Defendant CHARLES COCHRAN resides at 1599 Chilton Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 and acts as a corporate speaker on behalf of NIKKEN, INC. for the accused products. Defendant CHARLES COCHRAN actively promotes the accused products, in part, by lending his credentials as a doctor of chiropractics research to the active compounds found in the accused products. As recently as March 2, 2011 Defendant Charles Cochran delivered a presentation of the accused products at a NIKKEN INC. corporate presentation specifically aimed at promoting and marketing the accused products. Further, Defendant CHARLES COCHRAN has been contracted by NIKKEN to specifically develop formulations of the accused products.
2. On information and belief, Defendant DAVID BALZER is employed at the address of 52 Discovery Irvine, CA, 92618-3105 and is a product Consultant and Technical Advisor /Sci-Board Chairman to NIKKEN INC. Defendant DAVID BALZER actively promotes the accused products, and as recently as March 2, 2011 hosted a NIKKEN INC. corporate presentation specifically aimed at the introduction of the recently re-formulated accused products to distributors.
3. On information and belief, Defendants MAC MACDONALD and PATRICIA TERRY are husband and wife, and reside at 10028 Point Ln SW Lakewood, WA 98499. These defendants have entered into a sales/distribution contract with Defendant NIKKEN INC. to sell NIKKEN’S product line, including the accused products. On information and belief, these defendants have been extremely successful earning approximately $1,500,000 from the NIKKEN INC. contracts, and earning the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” actively promoting the products of NIKKEN INC. and acting as ambassadors of NIKKEN.
4. On information and belief, Defendants DAVE JOHNSON and VALERIE JOHNSON are husband and wife, and reside at 718 Calvert Ln, Fort Washington, MD 20744¬6501. These defendants have entered into a sales/distribution contract with Defendant NIKKEN INC. to sell NIKKEN’S product line, including the accused products. On information and belief, these defendants have been extremely successful earning approximately $1,800,000 from the NIKKEN INC. contracts, and earning the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” actively promoting the products of NIKKEN INC. and acting as ambassadors of NIKKEN INC.
1. On information and belief, Defendants DENNIS WILLIAMS and RUTH WILLIAMS are husband and wife, and reside at 12426 SW 276th St, Vashon, WA 98070-8305. These defendants have entered into a sales/distribution contract with Defendant NIKKEN INC. to sell NIKKEN’S product line, including the accused products. On information and belief, these defendants have been extremely successful under the NIKKEN INC. contract earning the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” actively promoting the products of NIKKEN INC. and acting as ambassadors of NIKKEN.
3. On information and belief, Defendant NIKKEN INC. has numerous other distributors within its distribution network that sell and market the accused products, but the names and addresses are not currently known to Plaintiff. These individuals may include, but are not limited to, those earning the distinction of “NIKKEN ROYAL DIAMOND” members. Once these individuals are identified, Plaintiffs will petition this Court to individually name and serve each distributor as defendants to this lawsuit.
1. Defendants are subject to personal jurisdiction in the Central District of California (the “District”) because Defendants have caused tortious injury in this District through acts committed both inside and outside the District, including the unlawful conduct relating to the patent-in-suit and as further detailed below.
2. Defendant NIKKEN INC. maintains a place of business in the District at 52 Discovery Irvine, CA, 92618-3105. NIKKEN INC. is subject to personal jurisdiction in the District because NIKKEN INC. regularly solicits business in the District or derives substantial revenue from sales of goods –including the accused products – in the District. Additionally, NIKKEN INC. has engaged in a persistent course of conduct in the District.
1. On information and belief, Defendant KURT FULLE is subject to personal jurisdiction because he is a resident of the State and is employed by Defendant NIKKEN INC. at 52 Discovery Irvine, CA, 92618-3105. Defendant KURT FULLE actively promotes, sells and markets the accused products for NIKKEN INC.
2. On information and belief, Defendant CHARLES COCHRAN is subject to personal jurisdiction in that he is a resident of this State and has entered into distribution and promotion contract with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell and actively promote the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. As part of his contractual obligations, Defendant CHARLES COCHRAN actively promotes the accused products, in part, by lending his credentials as a doctor of chiropractics research the active compounds found in the accused products. As recently as March 2, 2011 Defendant Charles COCHRAN made a corporate presentation specifically aimed at promoting and marketing the accused products. Further, Defendant CHARLES COCHRAN has entered into contracts with NIKKEN INC. to specifically develop formulations of the accused products.
3. On information and belief, Defendant DAVID BALZER is subject to personal jurisdiction in that it is believed that he has entered into a product consultant and product technology advisory contract with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell and actively promote the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. As part of his contractual obligations, Defendant DAVID BALZER actively promotes the accused products, in part, by creating and publishing corporate presentations targeted specifically at the accused products, including a presentation as recently as March 2, 2011.
4. On information and belief Defendant MAC MACDONALD is subject to personal jurisdiction in that he has entered into distribution sales contract with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. On information and belief, Defendant MAC MACDONALD has earned the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” (a distinction given only to NIKKEN INC.’s top sales agents), and actively promotes the accused products and acts as an ambassador of NIKKEN.
1. On information and belief, Defendant PATRICIA TERRY is subject to personal jurisdiction in that she has entered into distribution sales contracts with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. On information and belief, Defendant PATRICIA TERRY has earned the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” (a distinction given only to NIKKEN’S top sales agents), and actively promotes the accused infringing products and acts as an ambassador of NIKKEN INC.
2. On information and belief, Defendant DAVE JOHNSON is subject to personal jurisdiction in that he has entered into distribution sales contract with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. On information and belief, Defendant DAVE JOHNSON has earned the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” (a distinction given only to NIKKEN’S top sales agents), and actively promotes the accused infringing products and acts as an ambassador of NIKKEN INC.
3. On information and belief, Defendant VALERIE JOHNSON is subject to personal jurisdiction in that she has entered into distribution sales contracts with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. On information and belief, Defendant VALERIE JOHNSON has earned the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” (a distinction given only to NIKKEN’S top sales agents), and actively promotes the accused products and acts as an ambassador of NIKKEN INC.
4. On information and belief, Defendant DENNIS WILLIAMS is subject to personal jurisdiction in that he has entered into distribution sales contract with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. On information and belief, Defendant DENNIS WILLIAMS has earned the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” (a distinction given only to NIKKEN’S top sales agents), and actively promotes the accused products and acts as an ambassador of NIKKEN INC.
1. On information and belief, Defendant RUTH WILLIAMS is subject to personal jurisdiction in that she has entered into distribution sales contracts with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. On information and belief, Defendant RUTH WILLIAMS has earned the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” (a distinction given only to NIKKEN’S top sales agents), and actively promotes the accused products and acts as an ambassador of NIKKEN INC.
2. Venue for this action is proper in the District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391 and 1400 because a significant portion of Defendants’ infringing activities have occurred in the District.
3. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to the patent laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C. §§ 1 et seq., and pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a). The state law unfair competition claim arises under, inter alia, California Business and Professions Code § 17200 et seq. The Court has supplemental jurisdiction over the related state law claims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1367.
24. On October 29, 1996, the United States patent Office duly issued United States Patent No. 5,596,676 entitled “METHOD FOR THE TREATMENT OF OSTEOARTHRITIS” to Harry W. Diehl. A true copy of the ‘676 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The ‘676 patent relates to a method of treating “the symptoms of non-rheumatoid arthritis by administering to the afflicted subject a therapeutically effective amount of cetyl myristoleate either orally, topically, or parenterally.” ‘676 Patent Abstract.
25. The ‘676 Patent has been assigned to Plaintiff by virtue of an assignment dated April 8, 2009 and recorded with the United States Patent Office on January 6, 2010, which can be found at reel/frame 023731/0714.
26. The original inventor of the ‘676 Patent, Harry Diehl, is a highly recognized figure in the bone/joint wellness fields, and in particular is recognized as the pioneer of cetyl myristoleate. In fact, during a NIKKEN INC. corporate presentation on March 2, 2011, hosted by Defendants Dr. CHARLES COCHRAN and DAVID BALZER, Defendants state: “In our joint compound, and this is the newly formulated joint compound, and I’m proud to say that it not only uses and is endorsed by the Diehl Estate, we call it “The Real Diehl”, this formulation was put together by Dr. Charles Cochran, Dr. Chuck Cochran, who’s going to join us in a couple of minutes to talk about what he’s done, to talk about his life with CM [cetyl myristoleate] and why he put this formulation together the way he did.”
1. A complete copy of the slides presented and published by Defendants CHARLES COCHRAN, DAVID BALZER, and NIKKEN INC. during this presentation are attached hereto as Exhibit B.
2. NIKKEN INC. produces several products, including Kenzen® Joint and CM Complex Cream for human use, both of which are advertised to contain cetyl myristoleate to support bone and joint health. NIKKEN INC. also produces Kenzen® Pet Joint for dogs and cats, which is also advertised to contain cetyl myristoleate to support bone and joint health. Plaintiffs pre-litigation testing confirms that Kenzen® Joint, CM Complex Cream and Kenzen® Pet Joint (i.e., the accused products) all contain cetyl myristoleate, as do the publications from the Defendants. See Exhibits B and C.
29. Defendants actively promote these products for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Defendants further promote the active ingredient in these products – cetyl myristoleate – as the component responsible for beneficial treatment of osteoarthritis. See Exhibits B and C.
During a NIKKEN INC. corporate presentation conducted by Defendants CHARLES COCHRAN and DAVID BALZER on March 2, 2011, Defendants states: “It’s a high potency CM [cetyl myristoleate] complex supporting collagen, bone, and connective tissue repair, lubricates the joints, aids in joint mobility, is highly bio available, and, of course, is endorsed by the Diehl Estate. And you can see from the supplement facts that are here that what we’ve done is we have focused extraordinarily at keeping it clean, keeping it simple, keeping it effective. We have a high potency CM complex which is more than a gram. It’s 1155 milligrams composed of no less than 40% cetyl myristoleate.”
1. Defendants have been and are infringing, contributing to infringement, and/or inducing others to infringe the ‘676 Patent by making, using, offering for sale, selling and/or importing the accused products. Defendants’ acts of infringement have occurred within this district and elsewhere throughout the United States.
2. Defendants have willfully infringed the ‘676 Patent by continuing its acts of infringement after being on notice of this patent.
3. Defendants have made and continue to make willfully false statements regarding the accused products, and as a result of those statements Plaintiff has suffered injury.
1. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by this reference paragraphs 1 through 32 above as though fully set forth herein.
2. In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271, Defendants have infringed and are continuing to infringe, literally and/or under the doctrine of equivalents, the ‘676 patent by practicing one or more claims of the ‘676 patent, in its manufacture, use, offering for sale, sale and importation of the accused products, and by contributing to this infringement and inducing others to infringe.
3. Plaintiff currently estimate the present and future damages of approximately $10,300,000 based on the Defendants’ historical sales of these products, as has been discerned by Plaintiff. However Plaintiff reserves the right to adjust this damages estimate based on evidence adduced at trial.
36. Because Defendants infringement is willful, Plaintiff further requests under 35 U.S.C. § 284 that the damages be tripled, resulting in a total patent damages estimate of $31,000,000.
37. Plaintiff has been damaged by Defendants’ infringement and, unless Defendants are enjoined Defendants will continue their infringing activity and Plaintiffs will continue to be damaged.
38. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by this reference paragraphs 1 through 37 above as though fully set forth herein.
39. Defendants CHARLES COCHRAN, DAVID BALZER and NIKKEN INC. have made statements that the Diehl estate has endorsed the accused products: “In our joint compound, and this is the newly formulated joint compound, and I’m proud to say that it not only uses and is endorsed by the Diehl Estate, we call it ‘The Real Diehl.’ … The Kenzen joint compound, as it has been formulated by Dr. Cochran, our new formulation, what we’re allowed to say is, yes, it’s a high potency complex. It supports collagen, bone, and connective tissue repair, lubricates the joints, aids in joint mobility, is highly bio available, and, of course, endorsed by the Diehl Estate.”
1. On information and belief, this statement is willfully false and intended to form an endorsement and connection between the inventor of the ‘676 Patent, Harry Diehl, and the accused products.
2. Defendants prominently display the words “Real Diehl” on its products and in its promotional marketing materials, along with a logo on its label, intending to further create an endorsement and connection between the inventor of the ‘676 Patent and the accused products.
The “Real Diehl” Logo Placed on NIKKEN INC. Products that Contain Cetyl Myristoleate
1. Defendants false statement have caused injury to Plaintiffs by deceptively suggesting to the public that the accused products are endorsed by the ‘676 Patent inventor and therefore cannot infringe the ‘676 Patent in violation of California Business and Profession Code § 17200 et seq. Defendants false statements are intended to create the appearance that the accused products are legitimately made and sold.
2. In addition to the damages to Plaintiff, a civil penalty of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) for each sale, which constitutes a violation of the Cal. Business and Professional Code Sec. 17200, is appropriate and will result in severe multi-million dollar penalties.
44. Unless enjoined by the Court, Defendants will continue to perform the acts complained of herein and cause said damage and injury, all to the immediate and irreparable harm of Plaintiff.
45. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by this reference paragraphs 1 through 44 above as though fully set forth herein.
46. Defendants have made statements that the formulation of the accused products will yield better therapeutic results: “We have a high potency CM complex which is more than a gram. It’s 1155 milligrams composed of no less than 40% cetyl myristoleate. … We started with a 40% cetyl myristoleate product, and the original formula, Dave, had anywhere from 25% to 30% cetyl myristoleate. We’ve been able to concentrate that and distill that to a point where now we can actually make a 40% cetyl myristoleate product available, but we’ve also increased the levels of the cetyl oleate. …
Q: An in a nutshell, what you’ve essentially told us is that you have the correct balance, the correct proportions of these various cetyl esters so that we get the maximum effect from what you’ve put together in the complex.
A: Exactly. And, at the same time, eliminated some of the other potentially, maybe, fatty acids that were not really conducive to proper health. So we got rid of some of the bad guys and we increased the really good guys to really therapeutic levels.” March 2, 2011 Presentation.
1. Defendants have also made statements that the accused products containing cetyl myristoleate are superior to the competition because the cetyl myristoleate in the accused products is in liquid form.
2. On information and belief, Defendants have absolutely no scientific or factual basis for these statements or suggestions. These statements are completely unsupported and intended to induce the public into purchasing the accused products over other competing products, including those produced by Plaintiffs. NIKKEN INC. provides marketing materials on various NIKKEN INC. distributor internet websites which reference clinical study results which were conducted using Plaintiff’s product and falsely stating the study results were as a result of using the newly reformulated accused products.
1. Defendants’ false statements have caused injury to Plaintiffs by deceptively suggesting a superior product with no scientific basis, and these statements were made solely to promote the accused products over the competition in violation of California Business and Profession Code § 17200 et seq.
2. In addition to the damages to Plaintiff, a civil penalty of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) for each sale, which constitutes a violation of the Cal. Business and Professional Code Sec. 17200, is appropriate and will result in severe multi-million dollar penalties.
3. Unless enjoined by the Court, Defendants will continue to perform the acts complained of herein and cause said damage and injury, all to the immediate and irreparable harm of Plaintiff.
1. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by this reference paragraphs 1 through 51 above as though fully set forth herein.
2. Defendants have made statements that the Diehl estate has endorsed the accused products as described above. On information and belief, those statements are willfully false and misleading. This statement is literally false and not mere puffery.
3. That statement actually deceived and had the capacity to deceive a substantial segment of the audience, and this deception was material, in that it was likely to influence the purchasing decision.
55. The Defendants sold the accused products through interstate commerce.
56. Defendants false statement have caused injury to Plaintiffs by deceptively suggesting to the public that the accused products are endorsed by the ‘676 Patent inventor and therefore cannot infringe the ‘676 Patent in violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1125. Defendants false statements are intended to create the appearance that the accused products are legitimately made and sold.
57. Unless enjoined by the Court, Defendants will continue to perform the acts complained of herein and cause said damage and injury, all to the immediate and irreparable harm of Plaintiff.
1. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by this reference paragraphs 1 through 57 above as though fully set forth herein.
2. Defendants have made statements regarding the therapeutic effects of its formulation, and that the active ingredient (i.e., cetyl myristoleate) is superior to the competition because the cetyl myristoleate in the accused products is in liquid form, as detailed above. On information and belief, these statements are literally false and it is believed lack scientific substantiation and not mere puffery
3. These statements actually deceived and had the capacity to deceive a substantial segment of the audience, and this deception was material, in that it was likely to influence the purchasing decision.
61. The Defendants sold the accused products through interstate commerce.
1. Defendants’ false statements have caused injury to Plaintiffs by deceptively suggesting a superior product with no scientific basis, and these statements were made solely to promote the accused products over the competition in violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1125.
2. Unless enjoined by the Court, Defendants will continue to perform the acts complained of herein and cause said damage and injury, all to the immediate and irreparable harm of Plaintiff.
3. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that this Court enter judgment in its favor on each and every claim for relief set forth above and award it relief, including, but not limited to the following:
• a preliminary and permanent injunction restraining and enjoining Defendants, their principals, officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, successors and assigns and all those in active concert or participation with Defendants
Above information obtained from:
Nikken Inc. and Top Distributors Dave Johnson and Valerie Johnson, Mac Macdonald and Patricia Terry, Dennis Williams and Ruth Williams sued.
Imagenetix after top distributors for $31 million.The Royal Ambassadors "sell and distributes Kenzen Joint, CM Complex Cream and Kenzen Pet Joint, hereinafter "the accused products".
"Because Defendants infringement is willful, Plaintiff further requests under 35 U.S.C. § 284 that the damages be tripled, resulting in a total patent damages estimate of $31,000,000."
From left to right: Dave Johnson and Valerie Johnson, Mac Macdonald and Patricia Terry, Ruth Williams and Dennis Williams.
1. Plaintiff IMAGENETIX, INC is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nevada and has a principal place of business at 10845 Rancho Bernardo Road, Suite 105, San Diego, CA 92127.
2. Defendant NIKKEN INC., is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California and has a principal place of business at 52 Discovery Inrine, CA,92618-3105. NIKKEN INC., manufactures, sells, offers to sell and distributes Kenzen® Joint, CM Complex Cream and Kenzen Pet Joint, hereinafter "the accused products".
3. On information and belief Defendant KURT FULLE is the President and CEO of NIKKEN INC., and is employed at the address of 52 Discovery Irvine, CA, 92618-3105.
Defendant KURT FULLE actively promotes, sells, and markets the accused products for NIKKEN INC.
1. On information and belief, Defendant CHARLES COCHRAN resides at 1599 Chilton Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 and acts as a corporate speaker on behalf of NIKKEN, INC. for the accused products. Defendant CHARLES COCHRAN actively promotes the accused products, in part, by lending his credentials as a doctor of chiropractics research to the active compounds found in the accused products. As recently as March 2, 2011 Defendant Charles Cochran delivered a presentation of the accused products at a NIKKEN INC. corporate presentation specifically aimed at promoting and marketing the accused products. Further, Defendant CHARLES COCHRAN has been contracted by NIKKEN to specifically develop formulations of the accused products.
2. On information and belief, Defendant DAVID BALZER is employed at the address of 52 Discovery Irvine, CA, 92618-3105 and is a product Consultant and Technical Advisor /Sci-Board Chairman to NIKKEN INC. Defendant DAVID BALZER actively promotes the accused products, and as recently as March 2, 2011 hosted a NIKKEN INC. corporate presentation specifically aimed at the introduction of the recently re-formulated accused products to distributors.
3. On information and belief, Defendants MAC MACDONALD and PATRICIA TERRY are husband and wife, and reside at 10028 Point Ln SW Lakewood, WA 98499. These defendants have entered into a sales/distribution contract with Defendant NIKKEN INC. to sell NIKKEN’S product line, including the accused products. On information and belief, these defendants have been extremely successful earning approximately $1,500,000 from the NIKKEN INC. contracts, and earning the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” actively promoting the products of NIKKEN INC. and acting as ambassadors of NIKKEN.
4. On information and belief, Defendants DAVE JOHNSON and VALERIE JOHNSON are husband and wife, and reside at 718 Calvert Ln, Fort Washington, MD 20744¬6501. These defendants have entered into a sales/distribution contract with Defendant NIKKEN INC. to sell NIKKEN’S product line, including the accused products. On information and belief, these defendants have been extremely successful earning approximately $1,800,000 from the NIKKEN INC. contracts, and earning the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” actively promoting the products of NIKKEN INC. and acting as ambassadors of NIKKEN INC.
1. On information and belief, Defendants DENNIS WILLIAMS and RUTH WILLIAMS are husband and wife, and reside at 12426 SW 276th St, Vashon, WA 98070-8305. These defendants have entered into a sales/distribution contract with Defendant NIKKEN INC. to sell NIKKEN’S product line, including the accused products. On information and belief, these defendants have been extremely successful under the NIKKEN INC. contract earning the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” actively promoting the products of NIKKEN INC. and acting as ambassadors of NIKKEN.
3. On information and belief, Defendant NIKKEN INC. has numerous other distributors within its distribution network that sell and market the accused products, but the names and addresses are not currently known to Plaintiff. These individuals may include, but are not limited to, those earning the distinction of “NIKKEN ROYAL DIAMOND” members. Once these individuals are identified, Plaintiffs will petition this Court to individually name and serve each distributor as defendants to this lawsuit.
1. Defendants are subject to personal jurisdiction in the Central District of California (the “District”) because Defendants have caused tortious injury in this District through acts committed both inside and outside the District, including the unlawful conduct relating to the patent-in-suit and as further detailed below.
2. Defendant NIKKEN INC. maintains a place of business in the District at 52 Discovery Irvine, CA, 92618-3105. NIKKEN INC. is subject to personal jurisdiction in the District because NIKKEN INC. regularly solicits business in the District or derives substantial revenue from sales of goods –including the accused products – in the District. Additionally, NIKKEN INC. has engaged in a persistent course of conduct in the District.
1. On information and belief, Defendant KURT FULLE is subject to personal jurisdiction because he is a resident of the State and is employed by Defendant NIKKEN INC. at 52 Discovery Irvine, CA, 92618-3105. Defendant KURT FULLE actively promotes, sells and markets the accused products for NIKKEN INC.
2. On information and belief, Defendant CHARLES COCHRAN is subject to personal jurisdiction in that he is a resident of this State and has entered into distribution and promotion contract with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell and actively promote the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. As part of his contractual obligations, Defendant CHARLES COCHRAN actively promotes the accused products, in part, by lending his credentials as a doctor of chiropractics research the active compounds found in the accused products. As recently as March 2, 2011 Defendant Charles COCHRAN made a corporate presentation specifically aimed at promoting and marketing the accused products. Further, Defendant CHARLES COCHRAN has entered into contracts with NIKKEN INC. to specifically develop formulations of the accused products.
3. On information and belief, Defendant DAVID BALZER is subject to personal jurisdiction in that it is believed that he has entered into a product consultant and product technology advisory contract with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell and actively promote the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. As part of his contractual obligations, Defendant DAVID BALZER actively promotes the accused products, in part, by creating and publishing corporate presentations targeted specifically at the accused products, including a presentation as recently as March 2, 2011.
4. On information and belief Defendant MAC MACDONALD is subject to personal jurisdiction in that he has entered into distribution sales contract with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. On information and belief, Defendant MAC MACDONALD has earned the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” (a distinction given only to NIKKEN INC.’s top sales agents), and actively promotes the accused products and acts as an ambassador of NIKKEN.
1. On information and belief, Defendant PATRICIA TERRY is subject to personal jurisdiction in that she has entered into distribution sales contracts with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. On information and belief, Defendant PATRICIA TERRY has earned the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” (a distinction given only to NIKKEN’S top sales agents), and actively promotes the accused infringing products and acts as an ambassador of NIKKEN INC.
2. On information and belief, Defendant DAVE JOHNSON is subject to personal jurisdiction in that he has entered into distribution sales contract with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. On information and belief, Defendant DAVE JOHNSON has earned the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” (a distinction given only to NIKKEN’S top sales agents), and actively promotes the accused infringing products and acts as an ambassador of NIKKEN INC.
3. On information and belief, Defendant VALERIE JOHNSON is subject to personal jurisdiction in that she has entered into distribution sales contracts with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. On information and belief, Defendant VALERIE JOHNSON has earned the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” (a distinction given only to NIKKEN’S top sales agents), and actively promotes the accused products and acts as an ambassador of NIKKEN INC.
4. On information and belief, Defendant DENNIS WILLIAMS is subject to personal jurisdiction in that he has entered into distribution sales contract with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. On information and belief, Defendant DENNIS WILLIAMS has earned the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” (a distinction given only to NIKKEN’S top sales agents), and actively promotes the accused products and acts as an ambassador of NIKKEN INC.
1. On information and belief, Defendant RUTH WILLIAMS is subject to personal jurisdiction in that she has entered into distribution sales contracts with NIKKEN INC. in this District to sell the accused products, has ordered and received the accused products from this District and has sold those products throughout this State including within this District. On information and belief, Defendant RUTH WILLIAMS has earned the distinction of a “NIKKEN ROYAL AMBASSADOR” (a distinction given only to NIKKEN’S top sales agents), and actively promotes the accused products and acts as an ambassador of NIKKEN INC.
2. Venue for this action is proper in the District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391 and 1400 because a significant portion of Defendants’ infringing activities have occurred in the District.
3. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to the patent laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C. §§ 1 et seq., and pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a). The state law unfair competition claim arises under, inter alia, California Business and Professions Code § 17200 et seq. The Court has supplemental jurisdiction over the related state law claims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1367.
24. On October 29, 1996, the United States patent Office duly issued United States Patent No. 5,596,676 entitled “METHOD FOR THE TREATMENT OF OSTEOARTHRITIS” to Harry W. Diehl. A true copy of the ‘676 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The ‘676 patent relates to a method of treating “the symptoms of non-rheumatoid arthritis by administering to the afflicted subject a therapeutically effective amount of cetyl myristoleate either orally, topically, or parenterally.” ‘676 Patent Abstract.
25. The ‘676 Patent has been assigned to Plaintiff by virtue of an assignment dated April 8, 2009 and recorded with the United States Patent Office on January 6, 2010, which can be found at reel/frame 023731/0714.
26. The original inventor of the ‘676 Patent, Harry Diehl, is a highly recognized figure in the bone/joint wellness fields, and in particular is recognized as the pioneer of cetyl myristoleate. In fact, during a NIKKEN INC. corporate presentation on March 2, 2011, hosted by Defendants Dr. CHARLES COCHRAN and DAVID BALZER, Defendants state: “In our joint compound, and this is the newly formulated joint compound, and I’m proud to say that it not only uses and is endorsed by the Diehl Estate, we call it “The Real Diehl”, this formulation was put together by Dr. Charles Cochran, Dr. Chuck Cochran, who’s going to join us in a couple of minutes to talk about what he’s done, to talk about his life with CM [cetyl myristoleate] and why he put this formulation together the way he did.”
1. A complete copy of the slides presented and published by Defendants CHARLES COCHRAN, DAVID BALZER, and NIKKEN INC. during this presentation are attached hereto as Exhibit B.
2. NIKKEN INC. produces several products, including Kenzen® Joint and CM Complex Cream for human use, both of which are advertised to contain cetyl myristoleate to support bone and joint health. NIKKEN INC. also produces Kenzen® Pet Joint for dogs and cats, which is also advertised to contain cetyl myristoleate to support bone and joint health. Plaintiffs pre-litigation testing confirms that Kenzen® Joint, CM Complex Cream and Kenzen® Pet Joint (i.e., the accused products) all contain cetyl myristoleate, as do the publications from the Defendants. See Exhibits B and C.
29. Defendants actively promote these products for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Defendants further promote the active ingredient in these products – cetyl myristoleate – as the component responsible for beneficial treatment of osteoarthritis. See Exhibits B and C.
During a NIKKEN INC. corporate presentation conducted by Defendants CHARLES COCHRAN and DAVID BALZER on March 2, 2011, Defendants states: “It’s a high potency CM [cetyl myristoleate] complex supporting collagen, bone, and connective tissue repair, lubricates the joints, aids in joint mobility, is highly bio available, and, of course, is endorsed by the Diehl Estate. And you can see from the supplement facts that are here that what we’ve done is we have focused extraordinarily at keeping it clean, keeping it simple, keeping it effective. We have a high potency CM complex which is more than a gram. It’s 1155 milligrams composed of no less than 40% cetyl myristoleate.”
1. Defendants have been and are infringing, contributing to infringement, and/or inducing others to infringe the ‘676 Patent by making, using, offering for sale, selling and/or importing the accused products. Defendants’ acts of infringement have occurred within this district and elsewhere throughout the United States.
2. Defendants have willfully infringed the ‘676 Patent by continuing its acts of infringement after being on notice of this patent.
3. Defendants have made and continue to make willfully false statements regarding the accused products, and as a result of those statements Plaintiff has suffered injury.
1. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by this reference paragraphs 1 through 32 above as though fully set forth herein.
2. In violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271, Defendants have infringed and are continuing to infringe, literally and/or under the doctrine of equivalents, the ‘676 patent by practicing one or more claims of the ‘676 patent, in its manufacture, use, offering for sale, sale and importation of the accused products, and by contributing to this infringement and inducing others to infringe.
3. Plaintiff currently estimate the present and future damages of approximately $10,300,000 based on the Defendants’ historical sales of these products, as has been discerned by Plaintiff. However Plaintiff reserves the right to adjust this damages estimate based on evidence adduced at trial.
36. Because Defendants infringement is willful, Plaintiff further requests under 35 U.S.C. § 284 that the damages be tripled, resulting in a total patent damages estimate of $31,000,000.
37. Plaintiff has been damaged by Defendants’ infringement and, unless Defendants are enjoined Defendants will continue their infringing activity and Plaintiffs will continue to be damaged.
38. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by this reference paragraphs 1 through 37 above as though fully set forth herein.
39. Defendants CHARLES COCHRAN, DAVID BALZER and NIKKEN INC. have made statements that the Diehl estate has endorsed the accused products: “In our joint compound, and this is the newly formulated joint compound, and I’m proud to say that it not only uses and is endorsed by the Diehl Estate, we call it ‘The Real Diehl.’ … The Kenzen joint compound, as it has been formulated by Dr. Cochran, our new formulation, what we’re allowed to say is, yes, it’s a high potency complex. It supports collagen, bone, and connective tissue repair, lubricates the joints, aids in joint mobility, is highly bio available, and, of course, endorsed by the Diehl Estate.”
1. On information and belief, this statement is willfully false and intended to form an endorsement and connection between the inventor of the ‘676 Patent, Harry Diehl, and the accused products.
2. Defendants prominently display the words “Real Diehl” on its products and in its promotional marketing materials, along with a logo on its label, intending to further create an endorsement and connection between the inventor of the ‘676 Patent and the accused products.
The “Real Diehl” Logo Placed on NIKKEN INC. Products that Contain Cetyl Myristoleate
1. Defendants false statement have caused injury to Plaintiffs by deceptively suggesting to the public that the accused products are endorsed by the ‘676 Patent inventor and therefore cannot infringe the ‘676 Patent in violation of California Business and Profession Code § 17200 et seq. Defendants false statements are intended to create the appearance that the accused products are legitimately made and sold.
2. In addition to the damages to Plaintiff, a civil penalty of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) for each sale, which constitutes a violation of the Cal. Business and Professional Code Sec. 17200, is appropriate and will result in severe multi-million dollar penalties.
44. Unless enjoined by the Court, Defendants will continue to perform the acts complained of herein and cause said damage and injury, all to the immediate and irreparable harm of Plaintiff.
45. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by this reference paragraphs 1 through 44 above as though fully set forth herein.
46. Defendants have made statements that the formulation of the accused products will yield better therapeutic results: “We have a high potency CM complex which is more than a gram. It’s 1155 milligrams composed of no less than 40% cetyl myristoleate. … We started with a 40% cetyl myristoleate product, and the original formula, Dave, had anywhere from 25% to 30% cetyl myristoleate. We’ve been able to concentrate that and distill that to a point where now we can actually make a 40% cetyl myristoleate product available, but we’ve also increased the levels of the cetyl oleate. …
Q: An in a nutshell, what you’ve essentially told us is that you have the correct balance, the correct proportions of these various cetyl esters so that we get the maximum effect from what you’ve put together in the complex.
A: Exactly. And, at the same time, eliminated some of the other potentially, maybe, fatty acids that were not really conducive to proper health. So we got rid of some of the bad guys and we increased the really good guys to really therapeutic levels.” March 2, 2011 Presentation.
1. Defendants have also made statements that the accused products containing cetyl myristoleate are superior to the competition because the cetyl myristoleate in the accused products is in liquid form.
2. On information and belief, Defendants have absolutely no scientific or factual basis for these statements or suggestions. These statements are completely unsupported and intended to induce the public into purchasing the accused products over other competing products, including those produced by Plaintiffs. NIKKEN INC. provides marketing materials on various NIKKEN INC. distributor internet websites which reference clinical study results which were conducted using Plaintiff’s product and falsely stating the study results were as a result of using the newly reformulated accused products.
1. Defendants’ false statements have caused injury to Plaintiffs by deceptively suggesting a superior product with no scientific basis, and these statements were made solely to promote the accused products over the competition in violation of California Business and Profession Code § 17200 et seq.
2. In addition to the damages to Plaintiff, a civil penalty of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) for each sale, which constitutes a violation of the Cal. Business and Professional Code Sec. 17200, is appropriate and will result in severe multi-million dollar penalties.
3. Unless enjoined by the Court, Defendants will continue to perform the acts complained of herein and cause said damage and injury, all to the immediate and irreparable harm of Plaintiff.
1. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by this reference paragraphs 1 through 51 above as though fully set forth herein.
2. Defendants have made statements that the Diehl estate has endorsed the accused products as described above. On information and belief, those statements are willfully false and misleading. This statement is literally false and not mere puffery.
3. That statement actually deceived and had the capacity to deceive a substantial segment of the audience, and this deception was material, in that it was likely to influence the purchasing decision.
55. The Defendants sold the accused products through interstate commerce.
56. Defendants false statement have caused injury to Plaintiffs by deceptively suggesting to the public that the accused products are endorsed by the ‘676 Patent inventor and therefore cannot infringe the ‘676 Patent in violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1125. Defendants false statements are intended to create the appearance that the accused products are legitimately made and sold.
57. Unless enjoined by the Court, Defendants will continue to perform the acts complained of herein and cause said damage and injury, all to the immediate and irreparable harm of Plaintiff.
1. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by this reference paragraphs 1 through 57 above as though fully set forth herein.
2. Defendants have made statements regarding the therapeutic effects of its formulation, and that the active ingredient (i.e., cetyl myristoleate) is superior to the competition because the cetyl myristoleate in the accused products is in liquid form, as detailed above. On information and belief, these statements are literally false and it is believed lack scientific substantiation and not mere puffery
3. These statements actually deceived and had the capacity to deceive a substantial segment of the audience, and this deception was material, in that it was likely to influence the purchasing decision.
61. The Defendants sold the accused products through interstate commerce.
1. Defendants’ false statements have caused injury to Plaintiffs by deceptively suggesting a superior product with no scientific basis, and these statements were made solely to promote the accused products over the competition in violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1125.
2. Unless enjoined by the Court, Defendants will continue to perform the acts complained of herein and cause said damage and injury, all to the immediate and irreparable harm of Plaintiff.
3. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that this Court enter judgment in its favor on each and every claim for relief set forth above and award it relief, including, but not limited to the following:
• a preliminary and permanent injunction restraining and enjoining Defendants, their principals, officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, successors and assigns and all those in active concert or participation with Defendants
Above information obtained from:
Amway (Plantiff) vs. Nikken (Defendant) Lawsuit.......Guess who won?
So many of you out there are probably not aware that Amway sued Nikken back in 1999 for Patent Infringement. So Nikken being Nikken, decided to countersue. Rather than take the high road and just defend themselves, they had a tantrum and sued Amway in return.
Read about it here:
Now if you do some research on your own, most sites and the Los Angeles Times only go as far as that the lawsuit was dismissed by a Federal Judge in October 1999.
Read about it here:
However the case was reinstated by a Federal Judge in November of 1999.
Read about it here:
Now finding the results was difficult, but I was able to find the Lawyer ( that was for Amway and here is what he had to say:
"Holcomb Healthcare Services Corp. and Amway Corporation v. Nikken Inc. (M.D. Tenn. 1999-2001). Subject: Patent and Unfair Competition. Issue: Infringement and Validity. Resolution: The Court denied the defendant's motions for summary judgement on the issue of infringement, validity and unfair competition. Case settled favorably for the client one month before jury trial."
(To verify the above, read about it here:
So, If Mr. Ralph J. Gabric of Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione, was representing Amway and as the above says, "Case settled favorably for the client one month before Jury trial", I guess Nikken knew they were doing wrong and decided to pay a settlement for their mistakes because they knew they had no chance of winning in front of a Jury.
Read about it here:
Now if you do some research on your own, most sites and the Los Angeles Times only go as far as that the lawsuit was dismissed by a Federal Judge in October 1999.
Read about it here:
However the case was reinstated by a Federal Judge in November of 1999.
Read about it here:
Now finding the results was difficult, but I was able to find the Lawyer ( that was for Amway and here is what he had to say:
"Holcomb Healthcare Services Corp. and Amway Corporation v. Nikken Inc. (M.D. Tenn. 1999-2001). Subject: Patent and Unfair Competition. Issue: Infringement and Validity. Resolution: The Court denied the defendant's motions for summary judgement on the issue of infringement, validity and unfair competition. Case settled favorably for the client one month before jury trial."
(To verify the above, read about it here:
So, If Mr. Ralph J. Gabric of Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione, was representing Amway and as the above says, "Case settled favorably for the client one month before Jury trial", I guess Nikken knew they were doing wrong and decided to pay a settlement for their mistakes because they knew they had no chance of winning in front of a Jury.
Monday, May 9, 2011
This is the video that insulted Distributor Services
Do you remember in my book where it states that the Nikken Sales & Marketing team insulted their Distributor Services employees by originally deciding to film a scene in Distributor Services?
Well, here is the link to the film on
There is a scene that the man sits in a cubicle. He looks around at the cubicle disgustingly and says, "Is this where you want to spend the rest of your day?" Now it was probably changed but this shows the contempt that Nikken Inc. shows towards Distributor Services members because the degrading look and the fact that all members of Distributor Services sit in a cubicle all day. Then the gall of the sales and marketing team to want to film it in that room and demean "co-workers".
Please contact Distributor Services and ask them to verify this;
949-789-2000 extension 4
Well, here is the link to the film on
There is a scene that the man sits in a cubicle. He looks around at the cubicle disgustingly and says, "Is this where you want to spend the rest of your day?" Now it was probably changed but this shows the contempt that Nikken Inc. shows towards Distributor Services members because the degrading look and the fact that all members of Distributor Services sit in a cubicle all day. Then the gall of the sales and marketing team to want to film it in that room and demean "co-workers".
Please contact Distributor Services and ask them to verify this;
949-789-2000 extension 4
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Another Nikken failure.......
Nikken's Management is not even capable of keeping information secret.
If you google the words, "Nikken Price list" & "Nikken Policy Procedures" the actual wholesale price list and Nikken's Policy & Procedures information come up and anyone can see them! That means customers that view this page will know if they are being sold a product that is at wholesale or retail.
Here are the pictures of the links:
Try it for yourself. And just to ensure this is no trick, clean your cookies and cache and then close your Internet Browser. Relaunch it and google the words.
See? And it is possible that my readers of this blog thought that I was just being biased against Nikken but the truth is Nikken suffers from stupidity and incompetence.
UPDATE: As of 5/13/2011 Nikken has removed the price list off the internet and is no longer accessible as shown in the second picture. However, there are other Distributor sites that show it. I guess Nikken is able to fix their mistakes but it would be better if they were competent enough to prevent them.
UPDATE: As of 5/19/2011 Nikken has removed the policies and procedures PDF from anyone accessing it as shown in the first picture. I guess even with the Lawsuit on their hands, they have the time to fix their issues. Too bad they have such incompetent people working there to allow this.
If you google the words, "Nikken Price list" & "Nikken Policy Procedures" the actual wholesale price list and Nikken's Policy & Procedures information come up and anyone can see them! That means customers that view this page will know if they are being sold a product that is at wholesale or retail.
Here are the pictures of the links:
Try it for yourself. And just to ensure this is no trick, clean your cookies and cache and then close your Internet Browser. Relaunch it and google the words.
See? And it is possible that my readers of this blog thought that I was just being biased against Nikken but the truth is Nikken suffers from stupidity and incompetence.
UPDATE: As of 5/13/2011 Nikken has removed the price list off the internet and is no longer accessible as shown in the second picture. However, there are other Distributor sites that show it. I guess Nikken is able to fix their mistakes but it would be better if they were competent enough to prevent them.
UPDATE: As of 5/19/2011 Nikken has removed the policies and procedures PDF from anyone accessing it as shown in the first picture. I guess even with the Lawsuit on their hands, they have the time to fix their issues. Too bad they have such incompetent people working there to allow this.
What was the Nikken Product in the Body Balance that was "Detrimental"?
I know that the readers of my book may be asking themselves, "what was the Nikken Product that was detrimental to my health as mentioned in your book?" For those of you that have not read it, the book states that there was a Nikken Product in the original body balance program #2510-#2514 that contained an animo acid that was detrimental to one's health.
Here is a picture of the item:
My source informed me that there was an animo acid in this Nikken Product that is known to cause cancer. Nikken covered this up by discontinuing the Product and removing all inventory. Unlike other Nikken Products that are discontinued, there was no email from Nikken sent out saying that it was going to be discontinued. It was there one day and gone the next, with no explanation. There was an email for the Detoxifying Cleanse and the Rev up products right? But why not the Burn? These Nikken Products did not make the cut in the new line up of products There is a reason why they did not come back and it has nothing to do with sales because what company would remove a product that is selling well as these were? Well, here is good reason, when the Nikken Product is carcinogenic.
But what I think about is all the people that took this Nikken Product. Every Distributor should think about how many people they sold this carcinogenic product to. Then think about month after month their customer used this product. It's a good thing for Nikken Inc. that every Distributor is an "Independent Nikken Consultant" because they no longer hold liability and it falls upon the Independent Nikken Distributor. If I were a Nikken Independent Consultant, I would definitely be worried about all the potential lawsuits that could be pending that would be against me and my business for selling my customers something that was detrimental to their health.
But do not take my word for it, ask Nikken about it. You know that they will not comment on it or give you and actual answer and if you are feeling courageous, share your answers with us. We look forward to hearing from you. Here is their contact information:
Email -
Phone Number - 949-789-2000 extension 4
Can anyone say class action lawsuit?
Here is a picture of the item:
My source informed me that there was an animo acid in this Nikken Product that is known to cause cancer. Nikken covered this up by discontinuing the Product and removing all inventory. Unlike other Nikken Products that are discontinued, there was no email from Nikken sent out saying that it was going to be discontinued. It was there one day and gone the next, with no explanation. There was an email for the Detoxifying Cleanse and the Rev up products right? But why not the Burn? These Nikken Products did not make the cut in the new line up of products There is a reason why they did not come back and it has nothing to do with sales because what company would remove a product that is selling well as these were? Well, here is good reason, when the Nikken Product is carcinogenic.
But what I think about is all the people that took this Nikken Product. Every Distributor should think about how many people they sold this carcinogenic product to. Then think about month after month their customer used this product. It's a good thing for Nikken Inc. that every Distributor is an "Independent Nikken Consultant" because they no longer hold liability and it falls upon the Independent Nikken Distributor. If I were a Nikken Independent Consultant, I would definitely be worried about all the potential lawsuits that could be pending that would be against me and my business for selling my customers something that was detrimental to their health.
But do not take my word for it, ask Nikken about it. You know that they will not comment on it or give you and actual answer and if you are feeling courageous, share your answers with us. We look forward to hearing from you. Here is their contact information:
Email -
Phone Number - 949-789-2000 extension 4
Can anyone say class action lawsuit?
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Nikken's greed affects its employees!
So how many of you have been to Nikken headquarters and seen people getting ready to film? Nikken proudly displays the movies that have been filmed using the Nikken World Headquarters building. You may have seen it in commercials for Chevy and Volkswagon. Obviously, Nikken does not allow them to film for free.
A source told me that at the end of each year, Nikken would give them a letter with money in it stating to the effect that they did not meet company goals and that the $100 as a year end bonus was the reason behind that.
It turns out that Nikken does not use the money earned for films to go towards employees as this source alleges. So Nikken keeps the money for filming and there employees, who work so hard during the year, get a pitiful amount as a year end bonus because of Nikken's greed.
It is sad but must be stated, Nikken knows no bounds when it screwing over their personnel.
A source told me that at the end of each year, Nikken would give them a letter with money in it stating to the effect that they did not meet company goals and that the $100 as a year end bonus was the reason behind that.
It turns out that Nikken does not use the money earned for films to go towards employees as this source alleges. So Nikken keeps the money for filming and there employees, who work so hard during the year, get a pitiful amount as a year end bonus because of Nikken's greed.
It is sad but must be stated, Nikken knows no bounds when it screwing over their personnel.
Nikken Management condones Drug use!
As everyone is aware, Nikken Inc. is a company that promotes overall wellness. They have products that assist in every aspect of life from Home to the Office. However, members in Nikken Mangement have different beliefs that are not part of this philosophy. From a source, a Nikken Manager (that is on the better business bureau website under the additional contacts section of the Nikken page) hired an employee and then told this possible candidate that he/she was required to take a drug test. The source went on to say that he/she would have failed that test if he/she were given one. The Manager helped the potential candidate pass the drug test and this person went on being employeed with Nikken for quite a long time. I wonder how Nikken feels about this......
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Founder of Bio Medical Technology/ Left for a Reason that you do not know about.......
Another cover up by Nikken. Unless Nikken's Management was deaf, dumb, and blind there is no way that Nikken Inc. did not know about the real reason why this person left the company.
So let me explain some history of Nikken. Back in the day a Nikken Distributor Services Supervisor started dating the Facilitates Manager. Romanced bloomed, they fell in love, and they got married. Some time after this, Nikken imposed a rule that personnel of Nikken are not allowed to date one another.
Now moving forward to 2008, we learned that the founder of Bio Technology Inc. was leaving Nikken Inc. to pursue other ventures. Many Distributors were disappointed by this event. This person was great at explaining the technologies behind Nikken especially the nutritional benefits because he holds many of the patents to Nikken's products. Then later on that year, we learned that the founder was coming back to Nikken, strictly in the capacity of product adviser and he created the website to allow him and colleagues to answer questions. Now that he is a contractual worker for Nikken and not an employee, he and Nikken's "Speaker Coordinator" could date and it would be ethical since it would not violate company policy. But all the while, everyone at Nikken knew they were seeing each other. And Nikken's Management? They turned a blind eye to this fact, after all, when someone holds patents and is making you a lot of money, Nikken will certainly bend over for this person.
And what happened to the It was supposed to be the reason why the founder of Bio Technology Inc. left, right? It is a parked website now. It is no longer in use because it purpose was to make people believe that he was working on other projects but he had a hidden agenda. You cannot blame him. If I were a older, round, man and a divorced middle-aged, stout woman, I too would be with anyone that wanted me. Maybe out of desperation or maybe out of true love. But anyone that can put two and two together can understand that there needed to be a reason for the founder of Bio Technology Inc departure, otherwise, Nikken condoned policy violation for a certain few.
So let me explain some history of Nikken. Back in the day a Nikken Distributor Services Supervisor started dating the Facilitates Manager. Romanced bloomed, they fell in love, and they got married. Some time after this, Nikken imposed a rule that personnel of Nikken are not allowed to date one another.
Now moving forward to 2008, we learned that the founder of Bio Technology Inc. was leaving Nikken Inc. to pursue other ventures. Many Distributors were disappointed by this event. This person was great at explaining the technologies behind Nikken especially the nutritional benefits because he holds many of the patents to Nikken's products. Then later on that year, we learned that the founder was coming back to Nikken, strictly in the capacity of product adviser and he created the website to allow him and colleagues to answer questions. Now that he is a contractual worker for Nikken and not an employee, he and Nikken's "Speaker Coordinator" could date and it would be ethical since it would not violate company policy. But all the while, everyone at Nikken knew they were seeing each other. And Nikken's Management? They turned a blind eye to this fact, after all, when someone holds patents and is making you a lot of money, Nikken will certainly bend over for this person.
And what happened to the It was supposed to be the reason why the founder of Bio Technology Inc. left, right? It is a parked website now. It is no longer in use because it purpose was to make people believe that he was working on other projects but he had a hidden agenda. You cannot blame him. If I were a older, round, man and a divorced middle-aged, stout woman, I too would be with anyone that wanted me. Maybe out of desperation or maybe out of true love. But anyone that can put two and two together can understand that there needed to be a reason for the founder of Bio Technology Inc departure, otherwise, Nikken condoned policy violation for a certain few.
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